New Favicon

TeckPoh's picture

Did you notice the cute little jar of starter at the side of the url? If you can't see it, you have to clear your cache. Good job again, Maedi!

352 users have voted.


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 September 1

TP - is there ANYTHING you can't do?

Your photos are just [i][b]beautiful[/b][/i] ... your dog is handsome, your city is fantastic, and that thingy is the middle is great (I'm assuming you've posted the recipe in recipes - other!). My sons have been raised to choose hosomaki and the like over Maccas, which I am very proud of. Yesterday, 4year old son asked for a RAW salmon sushi to try ... and loved it! HOORAY!!!!!!!

Is the photography blog worth sharing with us? I'd love to learn to take better photos. (I'd love to learn to draw, to cook, to dance ... )

And between Croc and Bianchifan ... sheesh!

Maedi ... we might need a 'translations' thread!


carla's picture
carla 2006 September 1

And between Croc and Bianchifan ... sheesh!
Maedi ... we might need a 'translations' thread!

Oh Ca[b]w[/b]ol!

"Ofen" is just the German word for oWen!

Maybe I have to translate for bianchi? What would you like to know??

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 1

Ya know...somehow o[color=red]f[/color]en is more acceptable to me than o[color=red]w[/color]en, with v being closer to f in sound.

The spider maki has soft shell crab, avocado, cucumber and fish roe in it. Didn't make that. We had that for lunch on Sunday at Ozeki, one of the best Japanese restaurant in KL. Hubby works in the same building (little white building just next to the left tower in my pic); he dines there often so they know him well. We were given a big plate of free edamame. LOL, I won't torture you guys with pix of the full spread. Maki is not difficult to make...just need the mat and very fresh ingredients if you're putting raw stuff inside. Like you, CaRol, I try to expose my kids to all kinds of food.

Here's another of my pet peeve, and it's directed at dear CaRol. Blog and Forum are not the same thing. [i]Blog[/i] is a web log and a diary of sorts. We are now posting in an online [i]board[/i] or [i]forum[/i].

I'm sure if you google, you'll find your local photography forum. Sure, you can go to [url=]the one I go to[/url] but you may have to wade through our Manglish. That forum is very friendly to newbies...some photo forums are very high-brow.

Bianchi....I'd be biased if I tell you about [color=red]M[/color][color=cyan]y[/color] [color=olive]P[/color][color=orange]r[/color][color=violet]e[/color][color=cyan]c[/color][color=indigo]i[/color][color=blue]o[/color][color=orange]u[/color][color=darkblue]s[/color]. If you like, you could browse through (very quickly, just ignore the OTs) [url=]this thread[/url]. Leonard and jimjim are also Minolta users.

And, I'm totally computer-challenged...dunno how to insert that cute little favicon.

Croc 2006 September 1

Ya know...somehow o[color=red]f[/color]en is more acceptable to me than o[color=red]w[/color]en, with v being closer to f in sound.

where i come from v and w not just close to each other but they identical sounds, v is not really used in polish, it does exist in polish ABC but is not used in any words but the Viktor and Viktoria, i struggle to think of any other words that use V also those names are "modern" nonsense and could be as well be Wiktor and Wiktoria

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 September 2

I'd be in that!

I reckon you could be tempted to join in, Bill!

You wouldn't have to twist my arm very much.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 3

Oh yeah.....let's partaaaeeeeeee!!

I'm sure in the mood. [size=18][color=orange]A big THANK YOU to Maedi for my very own favicon.[/color][/size] It's up!
BTW, if you guys are curious enough, you can see me on [url=]page 4[/url] and page 9. [/size]

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 September 3

How do you keep yourself involved with so much stuff!!!!! I hope this doesn't take you away from this site!More bread!


bianchifan's picture
bianchifan 2006 September 3

Oh my...hey, it you sitting like a frog on ....

duck and cover and ..[img][/img]

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 3

If you were a fly, I'd swallow you.........BURPPP! Excuse me.

I knew I was fair game by pointing you ppl there.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 4

Ahh...Carla....I owe you a drink/recipe/anything!! Lovely I am not. Hubby's comment was I looked 'fierce' in the pic. If my muffin turns out nice tomorrow, that shall be my avatar. my spelt and granary flours. However, NEVER send flour by mail...EVER. Crazy expensive. *kiss* for my Bread Angel.

carla's picture
carla 2006 September 4

Hubby's comment was I looked 'fierce' in the pic. If my muffin turns out nice tomorrow, that shall be my avatar.

No you didn't look fierce - you were concentrating on something that was being said!
How can a spelt muffin be a nicer avatar than such a lovely pic of yourself?

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 September 4

TP ... if I tried to sit like that my knees would snap!!!

Was this the weekend that your buns were making an appearance?

I mean, your baked goods??

I bet they lasted 10 seconds as the greedy hordes descended!



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