New Favicon

TeckPoh's picture

Did you notice the cute little jar of starter at the side of the url? If you can't see it, you have to clear your cache. Good job again, Maedi!

349 users have voted.


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 August 30

Damned it all, I can't make up that deficit Bill! 400!
Must be baking like mad or just filling space!
Hey kids check out my site, I just posted on my trip to France and will try another blog or two on my trip in switzerland and report on a home baker in my sisters village!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 30


You've managed to squeeze in a lot of flavor in your blog post on Paris. Now can't wait for the rest. Too bad meeting up with Mick wasn't possible. We'll just have to meet him online.

Croc 2006 August 30

[quote="Croc"]FIX THE SCROLL BAR


for a while now i work in 2048x1536 so it i'm sure it isn't my monitor

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 August 30

Until I fix it Croc, you should try a [url=]browser[/url] that works.


Your link to your site does not work as there is a , attached to the end of your address. SpaceBar it away and it should be fine.

Croc 2006 August 30

i can find more sites that have issues with firefox than ones that got issues with IE
as a matter of fact last time i install FF i was uninstalling it in less than 24hours after finding out that 3 out of my regular websites had issues and than on top of that one it huge problems with my router web gui so just as you said i will use browser that does work and it is IE

i wont die without the fix just like to stirup a little since you said once "if you have any issues please report"

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 30

Yeah...and he's finding every excuse to post becoz


400 posts for TP.

Croc 2006 August 30

it is only matter of time TP and you know it

my PPD is almost double what you got so soon you will feel me breathing down your neck

Croc 2006 August 30

Yeah...and he's finding every excuse to post becoz


[quote="Bill44"]400 posts for TP.
[/quote] [/quote]

look whos talking
it is clear that your post was made only to pump up your post count

Croc 2006 August 30

ok i just noticed that my last post might look like i'm trying to bump up my post count in bad fasion just like TP but that wasn't the idea behind it

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 August 30

Oh you crack me up!

Say 'oven' for me!

Hey Bill! I cracked my first oven stone (quarry tile) the other night!! How long do you think my new one will last?!


Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 August 30

Hey let's not derail this thread. Let's get back to the important topic of how great my favicon is.

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 August 30


It's fabulous .. you've excelled yourself.

Of course my physicist husband thinks it looks like a beaker full of something far less pleasant that sourdough starter ... but ignore him, I think it looks fab!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 30

People! Any comments on the favicon? (edit: tks, Carol, at least somebody here is behaving like a responsible forum member).

If I were a moderator, I'd make sure 'unnecessary' posts and bad bad spelling get zapped out of here and blasted to the Unplanet Pluto.

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 August 30

That was my same thought?but I also thought Maedi's juke box looked like a confessional!


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 August 30

Oh you crack me up!

Say 'oven' for me!

Hey Bill! I cracked my first oven stone (quarry tile) the other night!! How long do you think my new one will last?!

About as long as it takes you to forget to put the stone in before the owen heats up.

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 August 31


Actually, I have been leaving it in the oWen all the time ... and popped a little turkey roast on it.


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 August 31


Actually, I have been leaving it in the oWen all the time ... and popped a little turkey roast on it.


The old cold shock trick will do it every time, the stone can't handle the rapid draining of heat from some parts while other parts are still hot.

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 August 31

TP - you wouldn't say that if I had actually stated just what it was my husband said! Blergk!

Bill - I purchased a spare ... just in case.

Mick - I'd never heard the term 'favicon' either!

But it is very nice!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31

Carol - I'm about to have lunch....don't want to know what your hubby said.

Favicon = favourite icon. Learned that from Maedi. Yeah! I must come up with one for my site too. Any suggestions?

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 August 31

TP - I wouldn't tell you.

But I DO want to know what you're having for lunch!!!

I've gone on a diet ... sheesh. Actually, I've become a guinea pig for a medical research project at the University! But I figure it will be really good motivation and encouragement for me to give it a good go, as well as helping the researchers.

Have to take 6 gigantic capsules a day of what could be either fish oil or Sunola oil (I reckon mine are fish oil) ... and it goes on for 12 weeks!

I will report more later!

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31

(smells fishy).

Just having some light salad for lunch (after 3 pieces of apple hazelnut pizza this morning). Have to go check the fridge....[color=green]unlike some people who can just pick from their backyard bounty.[/color]

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 August 31

Good, isn't it! I don't have a large yard but I sure shove lots of edibles in it!

I have been getting the vegie gardens ready for spring (bags and bags of cow poo) ... and picked some nice cos lettuce for lunch.

This year I'm throwing in some 'perilla' seeds. I don't know what it is other than apparently it is used in some Japanese food. Also new to my garden this year 'tree onions' (or Egyptian onions), 'riesentraube' tomatoes (tiny little things) ... a few other odds and sods.

I was just putting some photos on the web this morning of a few flowers in my garden. It has been a mild winter and the garden is already full of flowers!

My snap peas are about 8 feet high ... much to the chagrin of the boys who can't reach them!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31

[color=green]I'm really jealous! How beautiful! Do they have a fragrance ? I've just got my new toy and would have a field day shooting in your yard. My garden has weeds, a few lilies and bouganvillea and more weeds. The roses get burnt very soon after they bloom. I've to beg insects to be my models. [/color]

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 August 31

The Geraldton Wax has a very slight perfume ... but the rock orchids (bottom photo), which are flowering like crazy at the moment, smell beautiful ... if you can imagine such a thing I guess a bit like a cross between honey and baby powder ... not sickly, but really nice. I have two large-ish clumps in pots ... one that I inherited from my aunt when she died last year, the other from my late grandmother, so they are very special to me.

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 August 31

I've redone the starter icon. I hope this new model puts to rest any doubts as to what it is.

Effective, I know. .

If I were a moderator, I'd make sure 'unnecessary' posts and bad bad spelling get zapped out of here and blasted to the Unplanet Pluto.

Are you hinting something TP?

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31

Eeew, Maedi! Not THE sample jar!

Don't mind them...they only know how to bake good breads.

And, no...not a hint of a hint there. But, it was effective in clamming some spammer up....somewhat.

Croc 2006 August 31

If I were a moderator, I'd make sure 'unnecessary' posts and bad bad spelling get zapped out of here and blasted to the Unplanet Pluto.

if i was a mod, i'd make sure this forums stay dedicated to aussie bakers and all unnecessary non australian members get zapped out of here

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31

[pssssst] That sort of campaigning will send you in the direction of a moldy starter jar. If you just THINK for a sec and do some easy maths, you'll see that non-Aussie regulars outnumber Aussie regulars. You 're in for a clobbering time! [/pssssst]

Croc 2006 August 31

i didn't say all
i said all UNNECESSARY

i maybe can't spell well but it is clear someone got problems with reading

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31

Oh, I skipped that word when I read it, BECAUSE IT WAS SPELLED I reckon that you mustn't have comprehended that word.

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 August 31

[color=green] I've just got my new toy and would have a field day shooting in your yard. [/color]

Okay TP, give us the details.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31 the Sony Alpha in the end, because a friend could get it for me at a good price. And, according to quite a few people, the kit lens are very good compared to the other 2 biggies. Since, I don't think I'll be getting extra lenses so soon, and also because it has a very good steady shot feature, I went for it. I'm in love. Here are a couple of shots I took with it....sorry Maedi...we seem to be filling a lot of OT time in btw bakes.




All taken hand-held. And, I shake.

Photographer for Hire

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 August 31

Oooooh TP. What nice pics, and such a lovely water mark. Are you part of some exclusive photography site by chance?

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31

Shucks thanks, Maedi. I'm just a newbie...but I've joined a local forum which is very friendly and helpful (quite like this one). Going for a newbie shoot at a park this Saturday.

That's my dog, Baker. Amazed that I managed to capture him because he's never still! And, that's a spider maki...yum! And, the KL City Centre Twin Towers which I shot from the 32nd floor of a hotel.

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 August 31

TP, if it were not for quarantine I would offer you big money for a daughter of Baker, he's gorgeous.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31

Yes, 4-yr old Baker is a rather unique-looking mix. He is medium-sized; his mother's a cocker spaniel who wandered out one day to have a good time and got...taken advantage of.


BTW, Bill, you're very sharp to have caught the remark about my new toy.

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 August 31

Here's a favicon TP. You might like to use it until something else comes along.


Drop it in the root of your sites directory and rename to, favicon.ico .

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 31

Ooooo....tks, Maedi! That's so cute. And, I love orange too (and plum, hint hint).

Now, I've to figure out your instructions.

bianchifan's picture
bianchifan 2006 September 1

Hey TP,where's your nice little favicon maedi designed for you?
I see..nothing, and on blog..sourdough's ones..

I think, I need a recipe from you, I've found a photo from a maki up there, I'm great sushi fan.
Congretulations! Looks great, extraordinary.

May you please tell me something about your Sony?
I've been on Minolta as laong as I have my own camaras, 1 st was XD7, unfortunately Minolta died in spring this year. Using my old glasses I'll need a Sony, I guess. The examples on alpha-homepage doesn't satisfy me really. The lights seems tol erode and the darks seems to be drawned as they do on any other digital camara. I know, my requirements are little bit high.
But new Nikon costs about 4500 Euro and I havn't any objective..some thousand Euro once more, its tooooo much expensive for me.
..better a new o[color=red]f[/color]en


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