Baking from the fridge


I have been baking largely from the fridge in the last few weeks (ie
dough taken from fridge and put straight into hot oven). I wondered
whether it made any difference if the dough was allowed to warm up.
This was a pane francese loaf made with starter at 60% hydration. It
had a long period of bulk fermentation (almost overproved?) ~5-6 hours,
then divided and shaped. In the fridge overnight. One loaf was baked
from the fridge, the second was allowed to prove at room temperature
for 3-4 hours.
both loaves were baked in a receptacle that I dare not name for fear of upsetting Jeremy

no. 1 is on the left and below

no. 2 (proved out of fridge)

I expected a big difference in texture, but although the loaf proved
out of the fridge perhaps had a slightly more even texture I really
couldn't pick much difference.

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Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 December 8

Quite alright Dom, not upset,
I am in the black bread mode now, from Hamelmans book, short on rye so I used a hybrid Triticale flour, will see the results in 24 hours, patience my friend, "bread rules people drool" -Jeffrey Hamelman...


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 December 8

I expected a big difference in texture, but although the loaf proved out of the fridge perhaps had a slightly more even texture I really couldn't pick much difference.


Well, if there's not much difference, then I'd bake straight from the fridge, since [i]this[/i] method helps neutralise the bulge phenomena. Nice bread, Dom.

Jeremy, triti...what flour?

Pab's picture
Pab 2006 December 9

Thanks for those links, Jeremy, they fill in a few more holes in my knowledge.

I have an unopened bag of kamut in the kitchen - any ideas for a formula?

Best wishes


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 December 9

Never used kamut, I am waiting for a grinding mill so I will make my own flours at home! Just googled around, seems like you could put it in any recipe calling for wheat, if you want a recipe I will look for one for you!


Pab's picture
Pab 2006 December 9

Jeremy, thanks for the response - every time I google here in the UK I get endless recipes from chefs on the BBC and elsewhere (not all bad, but they can make it difficult to find specialist stuff).

So...I googled kamut and, for a change, found a lot of interesting stuff, including one site seeming to own a kamut name franchise.

I will make up a batch of kamut dough using a wheat formula and post accordingly. I've also some quinoa flour and can't decide what to do with that either, by the way.

I find these rarer flours extremely interesting - last weekend's bread was made using Swiss dark flour (grown high in the Alps near Saas Fee) and was very nice indeed. I guessed a recipe for the latter but memory tells me that you have family there - any ideas for this flour?


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 December 9

Pab, (by the way what does that moniker stand for?)
I have one at home unfortunatley it is in ounces(US) for a swiss type bread, also there is a great site from this town called St Luc ... ecpain.htm
It's in French(Suisse French) yes my sister lives in Basel land in a town called Lampenberg! Quinoa is great, love it in salads, as for the flour I have only used flaked quino to make cookies, found these quinoa macaroons once in a healt food shop, divine!


Pab's picture
Pab 2006 December 10

Jeremy, again very interesting links, thankyou. I think the Swiss know a thing or two about food and drink - we've had some great stuff there. I will have a go at the St- Luc recipe (scaled down) - that's a huge proportion of potato isn't it?

Pab comprises my initials, by the way.

I have not been a good poster of photos recently, so here are a few of my 100% Swiss Dark Flour Sourdough:

<img src="" border="0">

<img src="" border="0">

Very tasty bread.

Best wishes


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 December 10

the pictures didn't come out right, actually no image at all, and I know your bread looks fab! Yeah the Suisse are alright with grub, but after Paris well, I love French food! The St. Luc one is interesting I wanted to make it with sweet potatoes that I had laying around!


Pab's picture
Pab 2006 December 10


The pictures work on all the links I can see - have a look at the 'Swiss Dark Flour' topic in 'Doughmaking' that I posted on Dan's site. That link works on my computer.

With obvious variations, Swiss cooking in the French speaking bit is, err... , French, if you know what I mean. Perhaps surprisingly, the food shifts to Germanic when in the German speaking part - well that is what I found on my visits anyway. Perhaps the best sausage I have ever eaten was in Zurich, accompanied by ever wonderful Rösti - but the prices around there verge on obscenity. Even worse than London (where I live).

If the dollar keeps sliding I might be able to come and visit the USA - sorry to sound cynical but it is the only way I could possibly afford to. I would love to see the snow leopards in Manhattan zoo at some stage - I love bigger cats as well.

Let me know if these links work or not, please.

Best wishes


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 December 10

Hey Pab,
Ummm neither worked, I use mac! As for cats mine is a small one we call kika,as for the French region in Switzerland there is a perceptive difference than the German side, my sister makes dry beans cooked with pork chops and potatoes, delicious and we had fondue, wow with tons of wine and schnaps! Wunderbar!

Well we have to figure out the pic situtation! I just tossed a piece of dough into a pot defying my own sworn oath to pot cooking(god knows I do enough at work!)Just don't want to sound like an old fart!

Jeremy P.S. I also have a batard of Chestnut bread on the rise, will see and taste to see my new crop, the chestnut dough is sort of sweet, strange!

Pab's picture
Pab 2006 December 10


I recently made Focaccia with 10% chestnut flour which worked beautifully for flavour. The hazelnut bread recipe that uses cream and chestnut flour in 'The Handmade Loaf' is terrific as well. Other half adored it.

Today I am going to make some white bread but using 30% [i]white[/i] spelt like I believe Poilâne do. I can't decide on a recipe though.

Best wishes


ps glad to hear you have a cat - our cat in the avatar is called Sylvie and we found her lost and hungry in France - she pretty much runs the household!

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