
Jeremy's picture


This is not a pretty picture! I made this at the same time as my house bread,
I like the taste, but I have to find a better source for flour!
Seems to0 dense, but it's light?


256 users have voted.


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 September 12

I think it's the fact that I took the picture after eating it!

That is bread porn rated D- not the best cinematography!


carla's picture
carla 2006 September 13

Well where on earth do you see porn in that pic? Your imagination must be runnig wild!

And jeremy - that flour in the middle of the loaf must have gotten there from cutting aye?
It couldn't possibly be a "Mehlnest"? Could it?

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 September 13

Bread Porn is a common phrase around here when we speak of bread pics or snaps!
It's no a mehlnest, it's the flour from the top of the bread that was on the cutting board where the crumb was resting!


carla's picture
carla 2006 September 13

It's no a mehlnest, it's the flour from the top of the bread that was on the cutting board where the crumb was resting!

You had me worried there for amoment Jeremy!

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