Happiest organic flour discovery in Melbourne


Hi everbody, Im new to this forum and just started making my own breads about a year ago and now bake for friends and family. I'm a fan of organics and in particular spelt flours and unbleached flours as they have that rustic feel and a great artisan look.

I just wanted to share and after trying so many organic flours that we're expensive I discovered I was never really content witbthe one brand and was always looking for that one flour that was organic, Australian and affordable. By chance I went to a farmers market and discovered a locally milled flour that was so fresh that when I baked just a plain loaf its texture was less heavy than previous and had a more "rustic" look. I also bought a unbleached stoneground plain flour that when I used it most people actually thought it was wholemeal because of its natural colour. Just got a delivery of it in bulk on friday from the happy little stall holder and an amazing flour I thought I should share as my true first post :)


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farinam's picture
farinam 2014 July 7

Hello SunnyMoon,

I don't suppose you could drop a hint as to which markets this supplier attends?


SunnyMoon 2014 July 7

Hello Farinam, 


Sorry he was at Bundoora Farmers Market and has a website www.rareorganics.com.au and he told me to call or email through for bulk orders. Don't have his card here but I know there called Rare Organics at the market and thats his website :) Hope this helps..





Newbie 2014 July 8

I contacted the guy today and he was so helpful. Getting a 5kg bag of organic stoneground wholemeal plain and some organic baking powder with free delivery.. Thanks for the reccomendation :D excited 

silvercreeksourdough 2014 July 8

First post for me too SunnyMoon!

I was given some of the Whispering Pines Stoneground Organic flours for a birthday present (very lucky me!). Certainly has a lot of flavour. I make sure I hold back at least 1/8 total flour and leave my 'just mixed' dough for 20mins before deciding how much more I can add. It does suck up a lot of water. Makes a great starter too but I treat it the same way as a rye starter with a 1:1.5 flour/water ratio. I always mix it with a white organic flour as I just can't seem to get a good loaf if I use 100% spelt.

I have been getting the flour through http://www.farmhousedirect.com.au/whisperingpinesorganics

I have also started using Mirfak in Benalla. I buy 25kg straight from them and it makes a beautiful spelt and honey loaf.

Newbie 2014 July 8

Cool, I'm looking forward to trying it and going by SunnyMoon it seems a good local choice.  Im new to the whole bread making world, organic is the way to go. I had a look at farmhouse direct and including postage costs this seemed to work out a bit cheaper and home delivered at an agreed time. But this is me being in Melbourne so its easier and I got some other little bits from his website too lol

I will let you know how I go but  I'm a bit of a novice, so fingers crossed I get the right consistency  :)

SunnyMoon 2014 July 8

Nice one Newbie.. I'm happy you trust my suggestion you won't regret it especially that your into organic and its local.. I found it worked out slightly cheaper with delivery compared to farmhouse direct as well :) Let me know how you go with it. :)

SunnyMoon 2014 November 13

Just an update that this flour is now available from his stall at Queen Victoria Market that is called Rare Organics. Its in I shed in the Organic section. I got a 5kg bag of Wholemeal Plain for about $18.00 and was milled last month !!

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