Dark Rye


Greetings to all forum members. I am totally new to sourdough baking although I have been baking wholemeal bread with yeast for some tie now. Hence in doing research I came across this excellent (and busy) site. I hope to learn a lot from it.

I initially thought that it was an American site with the calendar dates shown as they are (month/day rather than day/month) but I was pleased to see the Australian involvement. Hence my question (and I apologise if this has been discussed before). If I wanted to get hold of some dark rye flour, where would I get it in Australia??? A quick search on the internet reveals that Allied Mills has it in 25kg bags. I have contacted them with no reply as yet, but they are probably not interested in selling their flour in such small amounts to home bakers. Can it be found in, say, 5kg bags anywhere?

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panfresca 2011 August 26

...can be tricky to get your hands on. I tried to buy non-wholemeal rye yesterday at 3 places but they were all out of stock and said rye is hard to get at the moment.

You also need to check the ingredients for flour labelled as rye - you might get a surprise what's also in there! There seems to be no standardisation on rye terminology.

I managed to get my hands on some rye wholemeal flour about 6 weeks ago at Hindustan Imports in Dandenong - it's a fair drive from where I live in Melbourne, but I also stocked up on other flours. Their prices on 10kg bags of organic Laucke flours are the best I've found, for example. I believe they sell online too, though I've never used that service.

Good luck. Dark rye bread is fantastic!

Zhiem 2011 August 26

Thank you very much Kymh that is useful information. I am east of Melbourne so I might pay a visit to Hindustan soon. I will let you know if I get any response from Allied Mills. Apparently most rye is grown in SA but also in the Mallee.

Zhiem 2011 August 30

I have found that dark rye is available from Hudson Pacific in 25kg bags at $55.25. Bavarian dark rye in 12.5kg bags is $29.99. There is a minimum amount of $100 for delivery but the minimum amount doesn't apply for pick-up.

panfresca 2011 August 31

I hadn't heard of Hudson Pacific. Damn, why do all the best suppliers reside in such far flung locations?! Tullamarine!

That's not a bad price though, if you pick up. Let's know the results.

I took the opportunity on Saturday to drop into Hindustan Imports in Dandenong on my way down to the Mornington Peninsula, and spent a small fortune on a whole range of flours, including rye and red sorghum. 10kg of Laucke organic unbleached white is $18, the best price I've seen.

5kg of rye wholemeal and straight rye are $11.25 each - I bought both even though the straight rye looks almost the same as the wholemeal with brown flecks through.

Edit: you might have noticed I have changed my username to something more... bready....

davo 2011 August 31

But I have bought biodynamic stoneground wholemeal rye at Organic Wholefoods, 483 Lygon St Brunswick East - and a daughter shop in Smith St. Think it's about $12 for 3 kg, ish.

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