Companion Bakery on TV


How gorgeous to see Graham and his oven just now on SBS TV.  The show is 'Gourmet Farmer' about an ex city slicker called Matthew in a classic 'fish out of water' scenario in Tassie.  He wanted to find out about using some freshly ground wheat flour in sourdough bread and drove out to Graham's bakery where independant university tests conducted under strict conditions showed that his flour would be better for biscuits.  The different loaves looked absolutely delicious, however, as did the whole feast.

I guess people who couldn't watch the program could visit the website and find the Gourmet Farmer episode.

EDIT: just saw rossnroller's post in Sourdough Baking forum - that wasn't Companion Bakery as it wasn't quite ready at filming time. 

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Graham's picture
Graham 2010 March 5

Thanks lily, it was a full day filming at a backyard oven about 30 mins from what is now Companion Bakery. Matthew Evans is as understated, mild and slightly edgy in person as he is in the series, which is a refreshing change from big personality cooking i think.

I have just put up a webcam at the real Companion Bakery. Today's baking is over and I have just lit the oven. It should burn down to coals within 3 or 4 hours, and in about 6 - 7 hours i'll be back to rake out the spent coals and prepare to bake again.


spuddery 2010 March 9

 Hi Graham,

I missed the episode but I travel between Hobart and Launceston a fair bit which means this week I get to drop in to Companion Bakery and I cannot wait! 

I'm rapt to see (or know, since I haven't seen) that quality, artisan produce made by a local is getting good publicity. I'm sure it's well deserved and can't wait to sample some!


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