Best Beginner Loaf Type


Since I'm still new to this addiction and working out a lot of kinks to my system it seems like I'm making too many changes at once.  for the time being I'd like to be making the same style of loaf to take that variable out of the equation.  Can somone please recommend a good loaf style that I can use for the next few weeks as  I work the kinks out of my culture, proofing, etc. 




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farinam's picture
farinam 2011 July 30

Hello again Lance,

I don't think you can go past this.

Assuming that your starter is at 100% hydration.

180g active starter

50g wholemeal flour

450g bread flour

320g water

This is the Pane francesa recipe from SourDom's beginners blog.  It doesn't get more basic than this.

Let us know how you go.


athomenow 2011 July 30


I decided early on that I needed a reliable good tasting loaf of bread that didn't take all day to prepare.  I don't kow how you feel about adding commercial yeast to your baking but this one is really tasty.  I left out the diced onion and put kosher salt on top before baking.  I've also played around with the flour a bit and added a cup o 50/50 blend of whole wheat.



kc0kdh 2011 July 30


The recipie you posted is very close to the one I'm already using.  I've started out by using Ed Wood recipies and techniques (along with a Sourdough International San Fran culture).  As I've posted before I'm having some issues with the proofing times and such so using the advice I've gotten from you, sourdom's blog, etc. I'm making some adjustments and learning as I go. 

Thanks for the input, I'll report back with the results of today's loaf for some input. 


kc0kdh 2011 July 30


The recipie you posted is very close to the one I'm already using.  I've started out by using Ed Wood recipies and techniques (along with a Sourdough International San Fran culture).  As I've posted before I'm having some issues with the proofing times and such so using the advice I've gotten from you, sourdom's blog, etc. I'm making some adjustments and learning as I go. 

Thanks for the input, I'll report back with the results of today's loaf for some input. 

Lance's picture 2011 August 2

Dear Lance, are you using a wheat starter or a rye starter?  it makes a difference!  Rye is very easy to work with - is lively and forgiving too.  So, if you can get back to me and let me know which one you are using i can certainly suggest absolutely fail safe recipes for both.  Kind regards,

kc0kdh 2011 August 8

Sorry for the delay in reply, life has been crazy.  I'm using all purpose flower in my culture.  Is this a bad idea?  I'm having issue with my culture flavor.  The levening is perfect but my sour flavor has been deminishing.  If I understand what I've been reading this means my yeast is healthy, but my bacterial growth is not what it should be.  Is this correct?  Any suggestings on how to get the sour back?



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