Spaghetti al Tonno



  • 4 Tbspn of good olive oil
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 8-10 anchovie fillets
  • 8 Tbspn of Tomato paste
  • 2 tins of tuna (I use 185gram Sirena brand in olive oil)
  • Ground black pepper
  • Chopped parsely
  • Fine spaghetti, (capelini de angelo)



Put olive oil on low heat
Peel garlic and then squash cloves under a knife
Add cloves to olive oil and very slowly bring the garlic to a light golden colour, remove garlic and discard
Add anchovie fillets and raise heat slightly, fillets will disolve in the olive oil
Reduce heat and add tomato paste and about 400 ml of water
Add freshly ground black pepper and allow to simmer for about 30 - 40 minutes until mixture has the consistency of creme anglais or similar
Add tuna and allow to simmer for a further 10-15 minutes
Serve on pasta with lots of freshly chopped flat leaf parsely

Enjoy :P



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Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 July 31

Forno, sounds good except for the tinned tuna, get some fresh stuff and you'll never eat tinned again.

forno 2006 July 31

Forno, sounds good except for the tinned tuna, get some fresh stuff and you'll never eat tinned again.

Yeh fresh is awesome indeed, but I rekon it would be the delicate flavour of the fresh stuff would be swamped by this dish

Fresh stuff seared on the BBQ with only the outer 2-3 mm cooked then sliced and eaten will just a squeeze of lemon juice or teriyaki sauce uis the business

Loafer 2017 January 20

I make a recipe similar to this regularly, its ones of my faves.

My variation is I use tinned tomatoes, parsley,garlic and a bay leaf in EVOO as the start.

Then add tuna with a chilli in it and finish with some peas.

I use some fish sauce for the savouryness the anchovies add.



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