I found this recipe at the Spanish baking forum http://elforodelpan.com. I used an italian white Kamut flour and a preferment in two builds.The dough was very soft and very pleasing to knead. The crust is light and the taste is sweet and delicious!
NOTE: the hydration percentatge resulting in "The Dough" table does not take in account the water from the soaker (100gr) and the preferment (360gr). Actual hydration is 77.5%
First preferment, the day before (evening):
1.5 gr starter
117 gr kamut flour
117 gr water
Second preferment (morning):
235.5 gr first preferment
235 gr kamut flour
235 gr water
It took 10 hours at room temp to double in volume
Soaker (morning):
60 gr sesame
64 gr flax
100 gr water
For the final dough I mixed the preferment, 480 gr kamut flour and 269 gr water. After the 30 minutes autolyse I added the soaker and salt and kneaded for 10 minutes. Bulk proof was 1 hour with one S&F in the middle. Shaped in two batards and left to final ferment for 1 hour. Baked at 250ºC with steam for 10 minutes, then at 210º for 30 minutes more.
I woul love to try this recipe as I bought Kamut flour on a whim and don't know what to do with it I am reasonably new to sourdough baking and still learning. My question is would 1.5grams of starter be enough to kickstart the preferment (not sure mine would) I think my starter is 100% hydration same amount flour and water. Would that work ? Also what time of the day would I actually be baking this bread if the second build takes 10 hours am I baking the bread after the next process. Sorry if I sound so stupid it's very complicated for a new sourdough baker to understand all this science. The bread looks amazing thanks in advance for your help :-)
Sorry I didn't notice your message. The second preferment is done in the morning, say at 8:00, then after 10 hours (about 18:00) i did the final mix, and baked at 20:30, for 50 minutes at 250ºC
This formula uses most of the fermenting time in the preferment, so the bread is quickly made
Well lluisanunez I did it ! thanks for the recipe I couldn't believe i would get anything resembling a loaf when I only started with 1.5g of starter................Sourdough starter is just a truly amazing thing it breaths, grows, moves and even makes noises as it lives on my windowsill.............my loaves are a wee bitty well fired, you didn't give baking times or temperatures so i obviously overcooked my loaves. thanks again
x regards Lenohbabe
Well done! But you should try simpler recipes to begin with!
Isnt't kamut delicious?
I love the taste of kamut. thanks again.
I'm a newbie to sourdough but have made bread for years( too many to remember!). I always use some organic Kamut, it makes lovely bread. I have also used it as my starter, 50gms with equal wt water. There were a few bubbles after 24 hours, smelling sweet and very lively after only three. I keep it on a shelf next to my Aga.
I wanted to point out a small mistake in the recipe description. "The Dough" table is correct, but in your description you mention 480g flour for the final dough instead of the 580g... you can imagine the result ;-9 ... it made me go crazy trying to knead an impossibly high hydration "dough". That looked like a focaccia mixture ;-)
I only noticed the error after looking for the original recipe and re-checking details. I hope I arrive in time before others go the same way! heheheheh.
funny you said that coz i saw you'd written it and did 580g flour. it was so dry i ended up adding 200ml of water!
no salt weight.. assuming 2% it would be 20g ? i think the full dough on the basis of 580g flour in the final dough is 2kg.
that right?
Hello anonymous,
When I add up the weights in the recipe I get 1800g including the salt weight given of 22 g.
Good luck with your projects.
I have baked bread all of my life. I am no longer using wheat, but i can tolerate sourdough kamut. I dont understand your charts. Do you have a youtube video that I could watch?