Carla's Durum Buns with Sourdough

carla's picture

Carla's Durum Buns with Sourdough

The Dough

Ingredient Metric Imperial Baker's Percentage
freshly milled (wholemeal) durum flour 700 grams 24.71 oz 73.68%
"normal" (strong) wheat flour 250 grams 8.83 oz 26.32%
water 800 ml 27 teaspoons 84.21%
fresh yeast or 1/2 teaspoon dry yeast 20 grams 0.71 oz 2.11%
salt 1 grams 0.04 oz 0.11%
rye sourdough 80 grams 2.82 oz 8.42%
Total Flour Weight:
950 grams

Percentages are relative to flour weight (flour equals 100%) and every other ingredient is a percentage of this. Flour from the starter is not counted. This recipe was originally in grams and has been automatically converted to other measures.


In the evening before baking-day:

Mix flours and salt. Make a well in the middle and mix yeast with a bit of the water. Leave until bubbly. After about 15 minutes add sourdough and more water. Mix lightly with a fork and then knead until a dough forms. Add more water as needed. Water quantitiy may vary depending on flour quality.
Cover bowl with a wet kitchen towel and leave either in the fridge or on the kitchen table depending on temperature. Recommended temperature: 8 to 12 degrees C.

Next morning:
Fold dough a couple of times when passing through the kitchen. I use a rubber spatula for this. Although the dough is quite wet one can "feel" how it firms a bit every time it gets "folded". I place the bowl prominently in the kitchen so I see it every time I pass through!

If you want to have fresh buns for lunch heat up the oven at about 10 a.m. Tip out the dough onto a floured surface and fold carefully and lightly. Don't use too much force at this stage as you don't want to destroy all the nice bubbles in the dough.

Divide dough into even portions and quickly form round buns. Quickly because otherwise the dough will stick to your hands! Let them rest on some flour for 5 to 10 minutes with the seam up. Often one is just finished with the last round one when the first ones are ready to be formed into
long buns.

The long buns are now set onto a baking tray with the "seam" down and have a last rest period before being sprayed with water and slashed. Then straight into the hot oven (250 degrees C).

Big buns need approx. 15 minutes, small ones not more than 10 minutes. If they need longer then try for a higher temperature next time. If you use steam they will look even better. I never do it and they are fine without - as long as they are thoroughly wetted before going into the hot

If you do not like the "whole" wholemeal then try sieving the flour to remove some of the bran. If your flourmill produces very fine flour that is not necessary.

If you don't keep a rye sourdough you can use your wheat sourdough and just add some rye flour to the flour mix.

Happy baking,

472 users have voted.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 28

Carla, your little tute is most appreciated. A bit of yeast...s'ok. Just that, I don't think I can find durum wheat here? But will definitely be something to look for during my hols abroad. And, your purple wheat Last week, I bought some organic purple sweet potato flour just becoz. Haven't found anything to do with it yet. Any suggestions?

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 28

Oh my goodness! I just clicked to enlarge the why didn't you post a BIG pic, dear? The buns look fantastic! yummmmmm.

carla's picture
carla 2006 September 28

Oh my goodness! I just clicked to enlarge the why didn't you post a BIG pic, dear? The buns look fantastic! yummmmmm.

Ahh TP - these technical things...

In fact it is because I haven't had the time to download all the bread "porn" (as you call it) or pictures (as I call them) onto here yet.
So I used another site where the pics are already uploaded. And that site has the pics in small to not use up too much space but clickable into bigger ones if one wishes.

As time goes on (and if I am welcome here [b]despite[/b] a lot of my recipes using a bit of yeast) I will upload my baking progess onto this site as well.

Maybe I should just put the recipes with that "y"-word into the "recipes OT" section - wadda-yu-think?

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 28

Don't be daft. 'Y' doesn't stand for 'yucks'! And, you do have sourdough starter in the recipe. OT is more non-bread or bread-sans-starter-altogether. Now get off that bottom and transfer all your pix over...yummy-size please.

carla's picture
carla 2006 September 28

Now get off that bottom and transfer all your pix over...yummy-size please.

If I get "off that bottom" I won't be able to transfer the pix and recipies. I still need to sit down for that

Will make a note of doing that in the next weeks. Promised.
[size=7]Y or not[/size]

bianchifan's picture
bianchifan 2006 September 28

Sweet potato Brioche? Plum colored!
With raisin eyes..

I prefer the potatoes, well steamed, violet at all, with green asparagus..and
sauce Hollandaise.. yummy yummi ..take a closer look at carol's , PLEAZE

carla, my hotty beloved DURUM baker,
I haven't baked them at all, I'm still experiment with durum pizzas you know..keep in mind..wopa is watching you

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 28

What is that tiny print?


Look at the tiny words in grey in Carla's post. She's shy about having impure thoughts.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 28

[quote="Jeremy"]Sweet potato Brioche? Plum colored!
With raisin eyes..

I prefer the potatoes, well steamed, violet at all, with green asparagus..and
sauce Hollandaise.. yummy yummi ..take a closer look at carol's , PLEAZE

Take a closer look at Carol's what? What? Did she post something provocative? again?

carla's picture
carla 2006 September 28

What are pure thoughts?

In this forum pure thoughts are those that include sourdough.
Impure thoughts are those that include the "y"word.

And a little tip: Just click on "quote" and you can read the fine print without glasses

[b]carla, my hotty beloved DURUM baker,[/b]
I haven't baked them at all, I'm still experiment with durum pizzas you know..keep in mind..[b]wopa is watching you[/b]

Good grief bianchi - what is it that you smoke there??
And do you really think wopa is watching us HERE

And bianchifan my dear - violet potatoes are potatoes.
The talk here is about [b]sweet[/b]potato flour!
Which is a completely different plant as you know.

We are just planting our unrenikas here

bianchifan's picture
bianchifan 2006 September 28

Carol's what?
this one [img][/img]

TP: [i]..some organic purple sweet potato flour..[/i]
it's a joke..ya know

and wopa, I've said [b]you[/b] not [i]here[/i]

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 29

TP: [i]..some organic purple sweet potato flour..[/i]
it's a joke..ya know

Do share the joke.

carla's picture
carla 2006 September 29

Do share the joke.

I don't know the joke either?
[size=7]Maybe I am just a bit thick?[/size]

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