Bolognese Sauce

Bill44's picture

Bolognese Sauce


  • 3 TBSP of GOOD Olive Oil (Extra virgin ifa you have)
  • 500g Minced Veal (or young beef)
  • 500g Minced Pork
  • 1 Large Onion chopped fine
  • 1/2 Carrot chopped fine
  • 1 Stick Celery chopped fine
  • 4 cloves Garlic crushed
  • 1 cup Dry white wine (Not sherry)
  • 1 cup Water
  • 2x 800g Cans tomatos crushed
  • 4 TBSP Tomato paste
  • 1/2 Tsp Sugar
  • 1 big pinch of Nutmeg
  • 2 Tsp Dried Basil
  • 1 Tsp Dried Oregano
  • 1 pinch Dried Thyme (nota da big pinch)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
  • Maybe some a extra water ifa you cook a too fast and a dry it out.


In a BIG pot put the olive oil and saute the onion, carrot, and celery until soft, adding the garlic just before the soft stage.

Then add both meats and the big pinch of nutmeg and saute until brown (more or less cooked) stirring to break up the meat. Then add the cup of white wine and the cup of water, and cook it at a medium pace until all the juice is gone, just the oil and any fat from the meat is left.

Throw in the tomatos, sugar, tomato paste, basil, oregano, and thyme, and about 15 grinds of black pepper, and 1 tsp salt. You can add more salt later when some of the juice evaporates.

Give it all a good stir and put the lid on the pot, cook at just a slow simmer for about 4 hours, stirring now and then. If it's getting a bit thick add a Little bit of water, nota too mucha. Always stir before checking because the liquid comes to the top.

If it's too sloppy near the end of cooking then take off the lid and turn the heat up to steam out some of the moisture. Before you do this you will notice the oil and any fat from the meat has come to the surface, scoop it off with a spoon.

When cooked, check to see if it needs any more salt.

This stuff freezes well.



426 users have voted.


Eyeshoot 2009 May 6

This sounds like a good recipe - the one I make is similar but I add almost a whole bottle of red wine (do you get enough robust flavour from white?) and pancetta and much more tomato puree and the only herb is basil but I also use nutmeg which I think is a magic ingredient and very under-used. I also cook for 4 hours, but in the oven and it's utterly delicious and very intense.

I love the way that everyone has their own versions!

The only ones I don't like are the ones where the meat is cooked in milk or there's cream added, that just seems *wrong* to me.

Loafer 2017 January 20

Sounds like a great recipe,very similar to my one

My variation to it is I only use dried oregano durring the cooking and fresh basil at the end.

I also start with lots of continetal parsley and a bay leaf  in the sofrito.

I replace the nutmeg with 2 cloves.

I use chicken stock aswell as water.


Got to love a good spag bol though

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