How to use Sourdough Companion

This page will show you how to use the Sourdough Companion website.

Creating an Account

Signing up
Creating an account on Sourdough Companion provides you with many benifets, you'll be able to post in the forum and upload an image or a video, and vote in polls. Pretty much anything cool requires you to sign up and it doesn't take that long.

Editing your account
To edit your account details, click the link shown at the top right of the site, entitled span'your username' (e.g. 'SourYumMum'). This takes you to your profile page, then click "Edit" at the top of the page to change details such as email, interests. Please contact us regarding username changes.


Uploading a photo!

Would you like to put pictures on to the site? See this tutorial.

Useful Tips

Here are some quick tips that make the site much easier to use.

Finding new posts
Tired of skimming through messages you've already read? Click the '(X new)'  (for examplel '(1 new)' ) links. They will take you to the most recent post in a topic or blog.

Logging in and out
Sourdough Companion automatically changes your online status to offline after a few minutes of inactivity even when you are still logged in. This meansspanspan you never actually need to click the 'logout' link, making it easier to return to the site without having to log in again. If using a public computer (a library for example) then it's best to click 'logout' so other computer users can't revisit the site as you.

Want to do something else?!

Contact us and we'll be glad to help out.