Rosemary Potato Sourdough

northwestsourdough's picture

[size=18]Rosemary Potato Sourdough. This bread is great with corned beef from St. Patty's Day![/size]


[size=18]Happy Baking!

249 users have voted.


black dog 2007 March 29

Beautiful bread,

not sure about the corned beef though, brings back horrible school dinner memories. It ranks alongside rice pudding in my book, why make a pudding with rice!!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 29

We are rice-eaters. Rice pudding sounded downright gross and alien to me until I tried it last month, for the first time in my entire rice-eating life, at a middle eastern restaurant. It was lightly flavoured with cardamom and was creamy/milky. Mmmm...lovely. I think I'll try to make it one of these days. The children loved it too.

Alex, have you tried frying corned beef with finely sliced ginger root? I like it that way.

Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 30

TP, my partner's favourite food is rice pudding - I am not so keen but I have made umpteen as a result. Works well with vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon etc (all used individually) and various types of milk or levels of richness.

A classic French type would involve two litres of milk to around 100g pudding (round/shortgrain) rice baked for ages in a low oven. Gives a rich pudding with a nice crust.

I made our last one to a Turkish method which involved par-boiling the rice (arborio for want of anything more suitable) for a couple of minutes, draining, pouring in semi-skimmed cow's milk, sugar (not too much) and a little orange flower water and simmering gently on the hob for half an hour or so. Mix a couple of teaspoons of corn/potato starch with a little more milk while the pudding is still warm to thicken. Maybe stir in an egg yolk and a couple of tablespoons of thick cream at the same time (I didn't on this occasion). Serve at room temperature.

The possibilities are endless.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 30

Thank you very much, Pete....all great ideas. I owe the girls an apple pie or crumble. After that, I shall make rice pudding. Sigh. We don't have orange flower(blossom) water here. I was looking in oz but couldn't find it either.

Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 31

Mine is from Lebanon - I suspect it is one of those things that are findable around the world. If you can't find it I will send you some - let me know.

I doubt you need any rice pudding ideas/recipes but there are a lot - including fudgey etc. One particularly interesting one combined basmati and arborio rice. I am trying to find the original recipe as it was complex and brilliant and worth doing as given by the chef. When I find it I will post it on this site.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 31

No problem, Pete. There's one middle eastern supplies outlet which I haven't tried. I'll check it out.

Jeremy has another variation (tks). Rice pudding done with coconut milk and rum-soaked raisins. It may have to be [i]the only[/i] item for my dinner if I made that. Fattening! But yum.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 31

Sounds so goooood, Pete. Tks. From next week, with the extra amount of work I'm going to do, I'll need the sugar and carb.

LOL, the great hijackers of thread strike again!

nina 2007 March 24

Wow, those are some great looking loaves! Potato and rosemary sounds delicious.
I can't wait for summer and fresh herbs from the garden...

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