Rising Baskets - Dough Sticking


I've seen several comments about dough sticking in baskets, plastic molds, etc.  Several years ago, I was fortunate to take a SD course w Peter Reinhardt and learned the secret to releasing dough from almost any kind of proofing basket - Rice Flour, (finely milled as available at KA Flour in Vermont).  Ever since then, even in using my woven, reed baskets, the dough literally flies out when I invert it onto the peel.  I spray the basket lightly with a baking spray and then toss with rice flour.  Works fabulous, rinses off well.  Hint:  keep rice flour in the freezer, especially in warm climates.  It gets buggy quickly.  Happy Inversions.

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mlucas 2010 May 11

Thanks for the tip, I agree rice flour works very well. A lot of people have recommended to use a 50/50 mix of rice & all-purpose (white wheat) flour, I'm not sure why instead of just 100% rice, maybe it's for when you're using towels/linen and it helps the flour stick to the fabric a little bit?

I've never had a problem keeping my rice flour at room temp (but I don't live in a hot climate).

I also like using rice flour, because the flour that ends up on the top of the loaves lacks the pre-digestion that fermentation provides, and rice flour is easier to digest than wheat flour. (even though it's only a little bit)

When you say baking spray do you mean a non-stick cooking spray like Pam?

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