Oven plans


Hi all

Just a word of warning regarding O/C,s advertised Oven Plans , do not bother

Having built two domed masoary ovens I was keen to step up to a larger (42 x 48 ") A.S model in preparation for our Artisan Bakery and duly paid a considerable amount for a set of plans. Knowing it woul take a considerable time to receive I waited patiently

Alas after 15 weeks I can only say I have been ripped off . I was able to get one response from N via email (at the 8 week point)

but nothing since , incredibly disappointed. Particularly with the association with an icon of masonary oven movement

So , folks BE WARNED it would seem integrity is out the window



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jaymacelec 2015 January 22
At last ​​ , a real Christmas present.My oven plans did arrive . Having basically given up on Oven crafters as previously written, after a 6 month delay , the package arrived from the states.The plans and information are as good as hopedI especially would like to thank NICK SCOTT for intervening  Regards Faith Restored  Johnny

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