now I'm getting somewhere...

wishfish's picture

Finally, a loaf I'm halfway proud of....


The crumb of the most recent loaves wasnt' quite as open as the slightly messy ones of the other day (photo below). But all in all I'm pretty pleased.

Not only does it look good, tastes good, too.

315 users have voted.


Broodt 2012 October 20

Hi Wishfish, that looks realy great. How big is the loaf? and what did you do to make it?




crusty044 2012 October 20

Hi  Wishfish,

Your loaves looks great, I have just joined and hope to make the same good looking loaves without any hassles.

I am hoping to be a great sourdough baker.  At the mement i have a white ands also a rye culture going.




wishfish's picture
wishfish 2012 October 20

Hi Jan,

Welcome! I'm sure you will be a great sourdough baker. It's not really difficult but there are a lot of variables to contend with which can take a while ot get a feel for.

Farinam - thanks for ongoing support and encouragement :-) 

Happy baking to all!


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