Need some serious help

Adam T's picture
Adam T
Hi everyone. I have Pavailler electric deck ovens at work. They are around 8 feet deep and can hold 9 18"x26" sheet pans per oven. We have 4 stacked. The ovens are in my avatar.

The problem is, the service technicians for the ovens (actual Pavailler service techs) have split up and are moving on to other things. There are no other qualified technicians around that can work on our ovens when they break down. Which they are currently in that state. (top 2 decks do not return to operating temp of 235 F, they float around 150-180 F)

Is there anyone with similar ovens that have technicians that repair their ovens?

Any info will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Adam

302 users have voted.


Panevino 2008 October 23
Hi Adam, that's a real drag.  I'm not sure that this will help but when I needed work on my much smaller Revent I got a really good electrician to do the work.  He did it perfectly.  It was my only option.  Also, sometimes appliance repair folks could tackle some problems.

Good Luck
Adam T's picture
Adam T 2008 October 23
yes, we do have an electrician that services our hobart equipment, but he has tried to work on the ovens before and was completely lost!

Danubian's picture
Danubian 2008 October 23
Hi Adam,

I know of Pavailler ovens but I'm not 'familiar' with them. However, what type of heat generator does this oven have? Gas burner, oil burner or electric elements?

Depending on your answer the problem & repair will vary.

Adam T's picture
Adam T 2008 October 24
yes, I am sure it is more cost efficient, but we never seem to stop having gas leaks with our other convection ovens (Garland).
I am not sure why they chose to go electric, but I guess that is the way it will stay.

I just got some contact info for a place in Quebec... so I will email them and see what they can do.

Thanks, Adam

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