First Run With the Firm Starter!

allaya's picture
Hi Everyone!  Just wanted to say thanks again for all your help in my other thread.  I'm finally getting the hang of this, I think!  As some of you may or may not know, I started a liquid starter with the hopes of kick starting a firm starter that I already had.  While the firm one was fermenting I decided to use the rest of the liquid starter to make a couple of loaves, which turned out pretty well (see pictures in "So I have a DOUGH-like starter), albeit slightly bitter. 

This is a second attempt, but the first one with the new hybrid starter I made (most of the firm starter and some of the liquid).  Again, not bad.  Still working out the kinks.  I'm in the process of bulk fermenting some dough as we speak, so by tomorrow morning I might have some new pictures to show you.  :)


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allaya's picture
allaya 2008 August 29
These came out this morning.  I'm very happy with this run!  I threw in a handful (yes, I know, very scientific!) of sugar this time as well.  It's far from sweet by any standard, but it has a terrific taste/smell of toasted marshmallows.  Not nearly as sour as the last batch despite the fact that I ussed a little more starter.  Very odd.  I think I'm onto something!  :D

allaya's picture
allaya 2008 August 30
Well, there's just a nub left since I left it to fend for itself in the kitchen yesterday, so it must taste pretty darned good!  :)  The day after it sort of lost its toasted marshmallow flavor, but developed a very pleasant, mild sourness.  Not a heavy bread at all.  :)

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