Beautiful Images

Maedi's picture
After seeing some lovely photos on the front page (recent photos from the gallery) I thought I'd bring Hasan's photos out of the Gallery and try a bit of a shout out:


Pain de campagne

Baguettes and pain de campagne

Spicy lamb sausage, salad and sourdough baguette

Sourdough mini baguette

from Hasan's personal album

328 users have voted.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2008 August 3
Thanks, Maedi, for unearthing these beauts! WOW! Mr Hasan, please step out and introduce yourself and your line of beautiful breads.

Hasan's picture
Hasan 2008 August 4
Hello there,

I am an Aussie residing in Cape Town, South Africa.
Been baking for just over a year now. I run a organic cafe and food store.
Planning to open a new bakery and cafe in a few months.
My bread is made ONLY with organic flour, my own cultivated ferments of rye or wheat, Kalahari desert fossil salt and organic olive oil when needed.
I bake daily:

Pain au levain
Pain de campagne
Pain de seigle
Baguettes and rolls
and ciabatta
as well as some muffins and cookies

Made a 3 seed batch last week and got a good response, may add that to the reportoire soon. Steady as she goes... trying to make good bread consistently in a growing market. Very happy about how its all going.
My good friend Yasser Booley took the pics.

celia's picture
celia 2008 August 4

Congrats to both you and your friend Yasser.  The bread and the photos of them are gorgeous!  Nice to have you here!

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